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1.         SCOPE


2.         PURPOSE




4.         REFERENCES










9.         PROCEDURE


1.        SCOPE:

The scope covers the steps to be followed for the installation of electrical and instrumentation intended for permanent installation in the plant.

 Contractor shall ensure that the Work method of procedure is adhered to the SAUDI ARAMCO standard with reference to project specification and approved IFC drawings.

2.        PURPOSE:

The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that all works regarding electrical and instrumentation shall be done in accordance with the SAUDI ARAMCO standards and all other applicable international codes and standards.


The Construction Manager is responsible to plan and schedule activities for the installation execution in co-ordination with client personnel.

It is the responsibility of the materials personnel to receive & visually inspect the materials and equipment delivered on site before handing them over to E&I Department and shall be responsible for the safekeeping and its preservation that received.

It is the responsibility of the QC inspector to carry out inspection to check the condition of the material include the associated parts and equipment before installation. Any damage found must be reported immediately to their immediate supervisor.

4.        REFERENCES

SAES-B-014         Safety Requirements for Plant and Operation Support Building

SAES-B-017         Fire Water System Design

SAES-B-019         Portable, Mobile and Special Fixed Firefighting Equipment

SAES-B-068         Electrical Area Classification

SAES-P-104         Wiring Methods and Materials

SAES-P-100         Basic Power System Design Criteria

SAEP-P-113         Motor and Generator

SAES-P-111         Grounding

SAES-P-121         Transformer and Reactor

SAES-P-123         Lighting

IFC Drawing        Issued For Construction Drawing

SATIP-P-111-01  Grounding / Bonding

SATIP-P-116-03  LV Switchgear and Switchboard

SATIP-P-116-07  LV Panel boards

SATIP-P-123-01  Light Fixture and Lighting System

GI. 6.012              Isolation, Lockout and use of Hold Tags

Schedule "Q"      Quality Assurance and Control, Inspection and testing

NFPA 70              National Electrical Code

NEMA                  National Electric Manufacturer’s Association



5.1         The Construction Manager / or Superintendent shall plan and schedule activities for the energization of power start up.

5.2         The Building are subject to inspection and witness by the client.

5.3         Form, procedures and sign off sheet for activities and shall be prepared and submitted for review and approval of the client prior to beginning of any activity.

5.4         The building its location where it is supposed to place. Assigned supervisor or foreman will be in supervision to do in the electrical power generation to avoid delay. Ensure that the area is barricaded for safety purposes.

5.5         Temporary facilities shall be accordance to standard details in SAUDI ARAMCO specification.

5.6         The Safety Work Permit shall be prepare based on the schedule of field activities, or in daily base activities.

5.7         Generator system shall be electrically continuous, or safety grounded to earth as shown on the approved drawing.

5.8         All works shall be performed in accordance to SAUDI ARAMCO Standard and procedure conform to SAES and SAEP.



6.1         Safe work permit requirement is mandatory. All personnel involved in the activities shall wear complete personal protective equipment’s (PPE) in accordance with the safe work requirements.

6.2         Conduct job safety tool box before starting the works, and issue daily JSA. And the safety officer shall verify that all the necessary and applicable documents related to the safest operation are in possession before commencing the job.

6.3         Place barricade and warning sign board in applicable locations. Restrict Personnel / equipment entering the work area.

6.4         Check adequacy and availability of all tools, before commencement of installation activities

6.5         If the weather condition turns bad, (like sand storms wind storms raining or hailstorms) shall immediately coordinate to safety officer and all works shall be stopped.

6.6         Safety procedure shall be followed at all times.


7.1.       Contractor E&I Inspector shall verify all the completeness of the works and all the pre-commissioning test records shall be provided and submitted to PMT & PID, as reference to comply the energization forms as G.I.0002.710 Para. 452.

7.2.        All "YES" exception item list generate during walkthrough must be sign-off by the originator prior to PMT initiate the energization forms as G.I.0002.710 and sign by concern department as stated in the forms.

7.3.       Contractor E&I QC Inspector shall carefully check energization execution against all relevant drawings, application standards and specification, and codes and manufacturers instruction manual.

8.        PROCEDURE:

8.1.        Handling

The Generator, MDB-1, LV Panel Boards installed shall be inspected to ensure compliance to specification, nameplate and free from damages or defect.

8.2.        Issue of Documents and Drawings and pre-installation check

•             Verify the area of installation prior to start up

•             Verify the grounding provision on every electrical equipment

•             Continuity test using multi-meter and DC Megger test for wire and cable

•             Breaker functionality test

8.3.        Installation of Generator, Main Distribution and Panel Board

•             Personnel to Perform:

Arc flash Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirement must be defined for electricians working low voltage line operating below 600 volts working distances from the exposed energized parts that qualified worker may not approach or place any conductive object without an approved insulating handle unless certain other live line-line work techniques are used (such as isolation, insulation, or guarding) in accordance with accepted industry practice. During the process of de-energizing circuit, re-energizing circuit, or while working on energized equipment, the PPE are recommended to use, as follow below.

1. Hard Hat

2. Gloves

3. Safety Goggles

4. Safety Shoes


•             Affected Employee -is an employee whose job require him to operate of use a machine or equipment on which servicing is being performed under the lock-out / tag-out program, or whose job requires him to work in the area where such servicing is being performed.

•             Authorized Employee - a person who locks and tags out machines or equipment in order to perform work on the machine or equipment.

•             Energy isolation Devices -a mechanical device that physically prevent the transmission or release of the energy.

•             Qualified employee - with extensive knowledge and experience in the subject field, who is capable of design, analysis, evaluation and specification in the subject works.

•             Tag-out - the placement of tag-out on an energy isolating device to indicate that the energy isolating device and the equipment being controlled may not be operated until the tag-out device is removed.

•             Employee - are all the performing the work task covered by this Lock-out / Tag-out procedure is required to comply with the requirements set forth in the procedure

•             Lock-out - The placement of Lock-out device (usually a lock) on an energy isolating device to ensure that the energy isolating device and the equipment being controlled until the lock-out device is remove


8.4         Energy Isolating Devices (Locks and Tags):

•             Locks - used for the purpose of isolating an energy source shall not be used for any other purpose. Locks must be individually keyed, and while in use, the key shall remain in the possession of the individual who placed the lock. A lock-out roster should be utilized to identify the location of a lock-out lock while it is used.

•             Tags- Each tag must contain the name, department telephone and company of employee locking out the equipment; time and date disconnection took place, what type of work is being done, and the estimated duration of the lockout. Only the individual tag holder may apply and removed his tag. Individual tags are to be requested from the employee’s supervisor.


8.5         Isolation:

•             The supervisor should indicate the need for the lock-out / tag-out when work is assigned to employee.

•             The machine or equipment to be isolated shall be turned off or shot down the procedures established for the machine or equipment.

•             All energy sources that energize the pieces of equipment to be served are to be identified and physically located.

•             If an energy isolating device is not capable of being locked out, a tag-out (alone) may be utilized. In these cases, additional safety measures such as the removal of an isolating circuit element, blocking of a controlling switch, operating of an extra disconnecting device to reduce the likelihood of inadvertent energization are required to be taken.


Note: In the event an electrical system is required to be out, the SAUDI ARAMCO (PMT, Operation) is to be contacted. The SAUDI ARAMCO (PMT, Operation) will advise the foreman overseeing the work to be performed of the electrical source(s) of energy that would require a lock-out.


•             If several people are needed to work on a piece of equipment, each person must be applying their own lock. This prevents any accidental start-ups while other employees will need to use a lockout asp that accepts the multiple locks.


Note: When the machine or equipment requires lockout or more additional locks are to be obtained from the employee’s supervisor. This locks will be given out at that time and all will be returned at the end use. Check out of these additional locks will also be used applied in the same manner as other assigned locks / locking devices.


•             Each employee lockout device will be individually keyed, and a master key set will be maintained by the designee.

•             Live parts to which an employee may be exposed must be de-energized before the employee works on or near them.


Note: Only qualified employees may work on or in close proximity to electric circuit or equipment that has not been de-energized. Such persons must be capable of working on energized circuits and will be familiar with the proper use of special precautionary techniques, personal protective equipment, isolating and shielding materials and insulated tools. Facilities will be maintaining in a list of qualified employees.


8.6         Safe Release of Stored Energy:

•             Equipment is to be zero energy state before servicing. All potentially hazardous stored or residual energy shall be relieved, disconnected, restrained and otherwise rendered safe.

•             In addition, it may need to use other safe method to release existing energy. These procedures may be found / detailed in the operating procedure / manual for each piece of equipment.



8.7         Verification of Isolation:

•             Following de-energization of power source(s) and applicable of lock and tag, one should attempt to activate / operate the equipment to confirm that it has been de-energized (Ensure all employee are secured away from equipment).


8.8         Removing Lockout and Tag-out:

•             After servicing is finished, tools & materials are to be cleaned away and guards replaced.

•             The area is to be cleared, as warranted, in case energization does not go as planned.

All locks & tags and other isolation devices are to be removed.

•             After lockout devices have been removed and before a machine or equipment is started, affected employees shall be notified that the lockout device(s) have been removed and the equipment is to be energized

•             The equipment is to be restarted, following the standard operating procedure for the peace of equipment.


8.9         Over-ride Safety Lock /Tag Removal:

•             In the event that an employee cannot be reached to remove his personnel lock and it is necessary to unlock the equipment, only the appropriate supervisor may remove the lock.


8.10       Shift Change:

•             If the piece of equipment is locked out at shift change, the person on the next shift must apply his tag before the employee who is leaving can remove his from the locking device

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