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Ideas to increase employee satisfaction and inspire the people you work with

When you are in charge of other people in a work environment, whether as a supervisor, manager, department head, coach or CEO,you are faced with many challenges. One of the biggest is how tomotivate those people around you. A paycheck is not always enough. Nor can we rely on everyone to be as intrinsically motivated as you might be to give your all for the good of the organization. What follows are 101 ideas for motivating the people around you. Some of these may not work because of your particular situation. I do not expound on them because I want you to get the creative juices flowing. However, let me know caution you about a couple of things...

If you are not constantly trying to improve yourself and be the best you can be, then none of this matters.

Leadership is not always a one-size fits-all approach. You can't just paint-by-the-numbers and expect certain results. Be aware of your environment and be in-tune with the people around you.

The best leaders, who get the most out of their people are ones that see the possibilities and have vision. "The way it has always been done" is a very dangerous statement to make if you want to realize potential and maximize results.

At the end of the day, you can get results with unsatisfied people, but they’ll be either short-term or you will eventually lose in other areas. Satisfied employees lead to high customer satisfaction.

1. Never miss a chance to send thank you notes

2. Think-tank sessions

3. Provide sporting event tickets

4. Learn everyone's names quickly

5. Offer incentives

6. Have on-site fitness classes

7. Catch them being good

8. Casual Fridays

9. Employee of the Month

10. Don't micromanage them

11. Show and Tell

12. Ask their opinion

13. Themed lunch or days

14. Get a football helmet of each person's favorite team and put stickers on it for various achievements

15. Pay for them to attend a conference (even the hotel, food and booze)

16. Provide plenty of opportunities for advancement or more responsibility

17. Create a formalized certificate for an important accomplishment that they might frame hang up

18. Give gifts that they actually want (cell phone cases, iTunes gift cards, coffee tumblers, portable chargers, etc..)

19. Don't wait for Christmas to give a bonus or a gift

20. Give them lottery tickets as rewards

21. Admit your mistakes

22. Company picnic

23. Friendly, healthy competitions

24. VIP parking spaces

25. Provide company apparel

26. Allow them more flexibility

27. Encourage smiling

28. Participate in a service project

29. Secret Santa

30. Company happy hour

31. Give them company stock

32. Write a thank you card to their family

33. Extra day off every once in awhile as a reward

34. Develop a new and improved job title for them

35. Invite the immediate family to a Christmas or Office party

36. Go nuts for donuts (donuts go well with coffee every day)

37. Give them credit as much as possible - lift them up

38. Flowers to your secretary other than Secretary Appreciation Day

39. Don't neglect a good training or on-boarding program

40. Free admission to activities or events

41. Recognize professional achievements

42. Don't bug them on their day(s) off or after hours

43. Name a room or award after someone

44. Discipline in private

45. Keep an open mind

46. Give a gas card as a reward

47. Provide them with a new chair

48. Use reward points for useful stuff

49. Bring your kid to work day

50. Traveling trophy

51. Food at meetings

52. Nap time

53. Keep your promises

54. Let them be unique individuals.

55. Coffee shop meetings

56. Public recognition

57. Mentorship program

58. Celebrate birthdays

59. Have an awards ceremony

60. Provide free tax preparation

61. Decide on a charity that you will all support

62. Give them a Fit Bit to use during the day

63. Be respectful of their abilities, time and space

64. Coffee all the time (gourmet coffee is even better)

65. Resource them properly for projects or tasks

66. Participate in team-building experiences

67. Hire a life coach or business coach to work with them once a

week, month or quarter during work.

68. Celebrate personal milestones

69. Give them the heads-up before a major change occurs

70. Give them a chance to lead

71. T-Shirt design contest

72. Insist on work-life balance

73. Let them solve a problem

74. Family Day

75. Give them Uber credits

76. Sports-Jersey Day

77. Memberships (gym, golf, etc...)

78. Provide day care

79. Off-campus activity

80. Say "Thank You" more often

81. Breakfast from the boss

82. Mentorship program

83. Give them your time (be accessible)

84. Formal dress-up banquet

85. Be reasonable with deadlines and tasks

86. Seek out their opinion before significant changes occur

87. Ask them how they are doing every once in a while...and then listen

88. Cross train them so that they know how to do multiple things

89. Make it easy for them to get professional development or continuing education

90. Wash their cars while they are at work (detailing them is even better)

91. Get rid of some of the antiquated or unnecessary rules

92. Publicize them in the newspaper or the company newsletter

93. Provide a safe & comfortable environment

94. Give out the free stuff you receive from vendors

95. Provide them with up-to-date equipment and resources

96. Keep the bathroom clean and smelling good

97. Encourage new ideas

98. Have an open door policy

99. Minimize some of the headaches or obstacles that they will encounter

100.Allow work-from-home day(s)

101.Communicate clearly and respectfully!!!


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