Energy and Power :: Online Mock Test-1 Free | Electrical Engineering Quizzes Test Series

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Energy and Power :: Online Mock Test-1 Free | Electrical Engineering Quizzes Test Series

Energy and Power - Online Free Mock Test-1

Get online test series along with free mock tests for Electrical Engineering and other exams. 

Number of Questions - 35 MCQ's

Notes : The Quiz makes In multiple-choice quiz, there is a timer for 50 seconds/question.When 10 seconds is left, automatically the timer is red in color.finally, when the time is end,the correct answer is automatically shown.


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Example Questions: 

  1. A given power supply is capable of providing 6 A for 3.5 h. Its ampere-hour rating is
  2. A battery is one type of power supply that converts chemical energy into electrical energy.
  3. If it takes 400 ms to use 12,000 J of energy, the power is
  4. Three hundred joules of energy are consumed in 15 s. The power is
  5. A power supply produces a 0.6 W output with an input of 0.7 W. Its percentage of efficiency is
  6. A 15 V source is connected across a 12 Ω resistor. How much energy is used in three minutes?
  7. If you used 400 W of power for 30 h, you have used
  8. How many watt-hours represent 65 W used for 18 h?
  9. A 220 Ω resistor dissipates 3 W. The voltage is
  10. A 6 V battery is connected to a 300 Ω load. Under these conditions, it is rated at 40 Ah. How long can it supply current to the load?

Electrical Engg Mock Test Series:

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