Saudi Energy Power Plant Multi Questions and Answers

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 Saudi Energy Power Plant Multi Questions and Answers:

Energy Power Plant Multi Questions

1. Which of the following is a non-renewable resource?

a) Coal

b) Forests

c) Water

d) Wildlife

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2. Which among the following is not a renewable source of energy?

a) Solar energy

b) Biomass energy

c) Hydro-power

d) Geothermal energy

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3. Identify the non-renewable energy resource from the following.

a) Coal

b) Fuel cells

c) Wind power

d) Wave power

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4. Which of the following is a disadvantage of most of the renewable energy sources?

a) Highly polluting

b) High waste disposal cost

c) Unreliable supply

d) High running cost

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5. Photovoltaic energy is the conversion of sunlight into ___________

a) Chemical energy

b) Biogas

c) Electricity

d) Geothermal energy

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6. Horizontal axis and vertical axis are the types of ___________

a) Nuclear reactor

b) Wind mills

c) Biogas reactor

d) Solar cell

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7. Which among the following is not an adverse environmental impact of tidal power generation?

a) Interference with spewing and migration of fish

b) Pollution and health hazard in the estuary due to blockage of flow of polluted water into the sea

c) Navigational hazard

d) None of the mentioned

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8. Steam reforming is currently the least expensive method of producing ___________

a) Coal

b) Biogas

c) Hydrogen

d) Natural gas

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9. A fuel cell, in order to produce electricity, burns ___________

a) Helium

b) Nitrogen

c) Hydrogen

d) None of the mentioned

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10. Fuel cells are ___________

a) Carbon cell

b) Hydrogen battery

c) Nuclear cell

d) Chromium cell

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