Appendix 1 - Factory Acceptance Test Procedures and Reporting

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Appendix 1 – Factory Acceptance Test Procedures and Reporting

1. Introduction
This document is the FAT Procedure to inspect and verify the functionality of the Medium Gas Metering Skid and associated control panel built under (Indicate BI number) to be located in (Indicate location). This document contains detailed test procedures with associated lists, tables and a buyer’s comment and sign off area in order to verify and document that each test has been carried out successfully and in accordance with the buyer’s specification (FSD).
This procedure has been submitted for buyer’s review and approval. FAT shall be performed against this document in the presence of the buyer or the buyer’s nominated representatives.
Any divergence from the agreed requirement of FSD shall be formally advised to the buyer such that revision of the requirement may be agreed and the FSD and this document are altered accordingly.

1.1 Scope
All instruments calibration shall be verified during FAT and shall be wired to the control panel and a functional test is carried out by simulating process conditions at the field instruments and the results are recorded on Test Record Sheets.
Metering Tests shall be conducted with the field I/O connected to the flow computer and reports shall be validated against commercial AGA 8 software.
A set of master documentation (Master FAT), drawings and ISS (data sheets) shall be made available for the FAT (refer to Section 1.3). Discrepancies shall be recorded on the Punch List and any document/drawing changes shall be marked in the “Master FAT” copy for incorporation to the documents that shall be made available at the SAT.

1.2 Test Overview
The FAT shall begin with a full review of the system and documentation followed by the inspection of the skid, the verification of the calibration of the field instruments and loop checks and finally the configuration of the flow computer.
A daily review shall be carried out discussing the day’s test agenda and the previous day’s test activities and issues. The test shall follow a structured plan according to this document.

Any test failures shall be fully documented and discussed at the daily review. Failures shall be evaluated and prioritized according to impact on both further system testing and test schedule time frame. Test schedule shall be modified to continue testing on the unaffected part of the system. Low priority failures which cannot be rectified immediately and do not prevent further testing shall be revisited at the end of the scheduled test period. Every effort shall be made to rectify high priority failures and retest as soon as they have been resolved.

1.3 Applicable Documents
As a minimum, the following documents shall be included:

Document #
Functional Specification Document

Piping and Instrumentation Diagram

System Block Diagram

GA Drawing

Control Panel Termination Details/Loop Diagrams

Pressure Transmitters Detailed and Complete Technical Information

Temperature Transmitter Detailed and Complete Technical Information

USM, Meter Tubes and Flow Conditioner Detailed and Complete Technical Information including compliance certificates and uncertainty calculation.

Pressure Gauges Detailed and Complete Technical Information

Flow Computer Detailed and Complete Technical Information

Printer Detailed and Complete Technical Information

Sampler (if provided) Detailed and Complete Technical Information

Recommended Spare Parts list for two years of operation

Saudi Aramco Detail Vent, Drain and Samplers
AC-036045 & AE-036046

Saudi Aramco locally mounted pressure indicators and switches

Instrument Piping Details – Pressure Instruments – Blind and Indicating type

Appendix 1A of 34-SAMSS-846

Medium Gas Metering System with USM instrument specification sheet

Flow Computer instrument specification sheet

System As-Built drawings

Bill of materials

FAT test results

1.4 Test Equipment
All test equipment needed for all aspects of FAT shall be identified and made available. Valid calibration/certification reports of test equipment shall be available. As a minimum, the following equipment is required:

Cal. Expiration Date
Digital Multimeter
Hart Communicator
Hi pressure tester
Decade Resistance Box
Tape measure

1.5 Terms and Abbreviations
Definitions of all acronyms, mnemonics, and special terms used in this Procedure shall be provided.
D Pipe Nominal Diameter
FAT Factory Acceptance test
FSD Functional Specification Design
GC Gas Chromatograph
SAEP Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure
SAMSS Saudi Aramco Materials System Specification  

2. System Checks
The tests shall demonstrate and document the satisfaction of all requirements of the System as stated in the Job Specification. The test procedure consists of tables with questions to outline a very detailed inspection. Any deviation from the requirements shall be recorded as a punch list item and added in the Punch List Item # column as shown below.

2.1 Skid Mechanical Inspection
All equipment/instrumentation should be checked for correct mechanical installation, as a minimum, as follows:

Punch List Item #
Are instruments tagged in accordance with the latest issue of the P&ID?

Are instruments and valves located at convenient working heights?

Does the meter have a minimum of four ultrasonic paths?

Is the meter equipped with provisions (such as valves) and all necessary additional devices, mounted on the transducer ports in order to make it possible to remove transducers for inspection or replacement while the meter is under pressure?

Does the meter body have at least one pressure tap for measuring the static pressure?

Does the meter have a permanently fixed sunshade with a top and three sides to protect the transducers, the SPU and the cables?

Are the upstream and downstream meter tube sections constructed out of seamless pipe?

Are the upstream and downstream meter tubes internal diameters stamped on stainless steel data plates permanently attached to the meter tubes?

Is the flow direction indicated on the meter tube close to each side of the flow meter?

Does the upstream meter tube consist of two sections with a total minimum clear length of 20D?

Is there a flow conditioning plate installed in the middle of the upstream meter tube?

Is the upstream meter tube flange-ended and equipped with a spacer ring or jack screw so that the tube sections and the flow conditioner can be easily removed for inspection and cleaning?

Does the flow conditioning plate have provisions (such as marking or pin) to ensure that it will be installed in the same orientation whenever the conditioning plate is taken out.

Does the downstream meter tube have a minimum clear length of 5D?

installed downstream of the first one and at a distance max 300 mm?

Are the thermowells installed in 1 inch NPT tap fittings?

Does the USM have a stainless steel tag with the following information?


Model Number

Serial Number

Month and Year of Manufacture

Total Weight

Tag Number

Nominal Size

Flange Rating

Maximum and minimum actual flow rates at operating conditions

Maximum and minimum operating pressure and temperature


Meter body design code and material

Meter flange design code and material

Internal diameter @ 68°F

Acoustic Path 1 length @ 68°F

Acoustic Path 2 length @ 68°F

Acoustic Path 3 length @ 68°F

Acoustic Path 4 length @ 68°F

Axial Distance between Transducer pairs @ 68°F

Thermal Expansion Coefficient

Does each transducer have a permanently marked serial number?

Is the flow direction indicated by an arrow on the meter body and/or by the words UPSTREAM and DOWNSTREAM on the piping connections?

Are pipe header stubs provided?

If a by-pass line is installed, is there a DB&B valve or upstream and downstream isolation ball valves with spectacle blind in the by-pass?

Is there a vent line?

Does the vent line extent at least 3 meters above the highest operating platform?

Are vents, drains and samplers installed according to AC-036045 and AE-036046?

Are pressure transmitters installed in an independent stand so they are not subject to piping strain and vibration?

Is the static pressure connection derived from the USM body?

Is the Static Pressure Transmitter impulse line run as indicated in library drawing DC-950042?

Is there a pressure gauge installed on the skid’s inlet or header?

Is there a pressure gauge installed on the skid’s outlet or header?

Are pressure gauges installed as per DC-950040?

Are all transmitters grouped in a single point facing the same direction?

Is there a fixed calibration table adjacent to the instruments?

Is there adequate sunshade to protect the transmitters?

Are pressure transmitters’ impulse lines with a slope of not less than 1:12 toward the USMs?

Are impulse lines built with ½ inch type 316 stainless steel tubing?

Do all meter runs have an inlet manual isolation ball valve?

Do all meter runs have an outlet manual isolation ball valve?

Is there a sample probe and connection for manual sampling installed on top of the pipe and on the downstream side of the metering skid?

2.2 Skid Electrical Inspection
Punch List Item #
Are field junction boxes installed in accessible locations at the edge of the metering skid?

Do conduit and cable connections enter junction boxes from the bottom?

Is conduit sealed with a weather-tight seal at the entrance of the box?

2.3 Loop testing and Functionality Checks
Verify that the basic functionality associated with the System I/O works properly as evidenced on the Flow Computer display. This shall include checks that the I/O are wired properly, configured properly, displayed properly, and documented properly.
2.3.1 Temperature

3. Test Discrepancies and Punch List
All items marked with N in the previous tables shall be assigned with number and added to the Punch List for further resolution. Actions to be taken in the event of discrepancies shall be defined. Actions to be taken by the Contractor during the FAT to resolve minor problems shall be defined. Punch List shall include the description of the issue, responsible party to resolve it and the expected time frame to resolve the issue.

4. FAT Suspension / Resumption / Restart
In the event a discrepancy is encountered which cannot be resolved during the time allowed for resolution during the FAT, the FAT shall be suspended and the following notices shall be defined to process these discrepancies with a description of the procedures to be followed for each:
4.1 Notice of FAT suspension [testing is terminated until problem(s) are resolved].
4.2 Notice of FAT restart [begin testing after problem(s) have been resolved and all necessary retesting to be completed].

Thanks and Regards,

Document Controller ( QA/QC)
Gulf Asia Contracting Co LLC
Haradh and Hawiyah Field Gas Compression Project
Satellite Package-II

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