Codes & Standards

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Codes & Standards​​​​​​​​The Saudi Arabian Grid Code​

During the year 2006, ECRA requested Saudi Electricity Company (SEC) to prepare drafts of Transmission, Distribution and Metering Codes. Transmission code has been reviewed by specialized technical and legal consultants in addition to major stakeholders such as Saudi Aramco and Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC). Transmission Code has been approved by the ECRA's Board of Directors on 1/6/1428 A.H.

​​​​The Saudi Arabian Grid Code
The Saudi Arabian Distribution Code
ECRA's Board of Directors approved the Saudi Arabian Distribution Code by resolution number 4/18/29 dated 2/5/1429 AH, The Saudi Arabian Distribution Code has been prepared by Saudi Electricity Company (SEC) and was subjected to thorough technical and legal reviews by internationally renowned consultants including ESBI of Ireland and CMS Cameron McKenna of UK as well as a number of major Saudi stakeholders and the Electricity & Cogeneration Regulatory Authority (ECRA). The Distribution Code is designed to indicate the procedures for both planning and operational purposes and covers both normal and exceptional circumstances.

​​ ​The Saudi Arabian Distribution Code​
Sea WaterDeslination Code
In its effort to establish the legal framework forthe water desalination industry and issue the setof codes, rules, and regulations that are requiredto regulate this industry; the Authority signed acontract with a specialized international consultingfirm to draft a seawater desalination code. The codewas aimed at covering all aspects of the industry,including production, dispatch, and transportation.ECRA reviewed all the legal and technical aspects ofthe draft code, prepared by the consulting firm, withall relevant participants in the industry. After review, the code was approved by ECRA's Board of Directors in 2011.

The Seawater Desalination Code provides clear guidelines which all concerned parties must adhere to in ord

er to achieve:​

High operational efficiency.
Fair competition that attracts investments in this industry.
Low cost of desalinated water production.
​​Sea Water Deslination​ Code

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